

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sacrifices - that which costs me nothing?

I've been thinking of sacrifices lately... and how I'm not really making any. Lately my life has either been smooth, or something awful happens over which I have no control. I'm needing to determine what sacrifices God wants me to make... purposefully and generously!

I'm surprised at today's view of sacrifices. We sing the song "We Bring a Sacrifice of Praise" with an upbeat tempo and joyful, but do we actually consider what a "sacrifice of praise" really is? I hear it used interchangeably with the word "praise", but it's far from being the same thing! Praise is the great and holy act of worshiping God; expressing our thanks and admiration for what God has done or simply for Who He is. But if you put the word "sacrifice" in that phrase, it changes things immensely.

By definition, sacrifice is the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim. There is no sacrifice without some sort of cost. King David knew this. King David made a huge mistake and insisted on finding out how many people were in his kingdom. He was advised against it, but he chose to do it anyway. As a proper Father, God punished David for his disobedience. God then told David to build an altar. David quickly went to obey. Now as king, David could have demanded everything be provided. God, in fact, had not told David to purchase a thing. And to make it easier, the owner of the land on which God had told David to build the altar basically said, "Go ahead! Build the altar. I'll even give you the grains, fuel and oxen for your sacrifice! Take whatever you want!" But David knew the meaning of the word "sacrifice". He told the owner, "No, I will pay you the full price. I will not give as an offering to the Lord something that belongs to you, something that costs me nothing." (2 Samuel 24:24 & 1 Chronicles 21:24)

So what does this mean when it comes to the phrase "a sacrifice of praise"? Simply this; praise that doesn't come naturally or easily. Only God can tell you what this will entail for you personally. One time I knew I needed to praise God "for" (not simply "in spite of") my five miscarriages. I didn't do it easily or quickly, but I did finally do it. By the time I could manage to do it, I wasn't laughing or happily singing "We Bring a Sacrifice of Praise". I was bowed down in tears, sobbing. But I've never regretted that time with God. I got to know Him in a whole new way, and He received something from me that I've never even considered giving to anyone else.

Ask God what sacrifice you can make that will please Him. It's an experience you'll never forget or regret.

P.S. Just so you know, I do LOVE the song "We Bring a Sacrifice of Praise". There are just times I think we don't realize what a sacrifice requires.

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