

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Continued Fails!

I haven't stopped failing! Just because I haven't written in awhile doesn't mean I don't have much to write about. Actually, it means that SOME of the failures have involved people who probably will never read this blog, but the possibility exists... and therefore I can't post it at the time or go into much detail at all. Suffice it to say that I haven't always remembered to jump in and fail, but I have remembered on occasion. My goal at this time is to remember more than I forget. Of course, at age 48, it's not easy to remember ANYTHING!

Sometimes I fail to speak up. Sometimes I fail to put pride behind me when I do speak. Sometimes I fail to do some things and sometimes I fail by something I have done. Thankfully, God forgives, loves and continues to push me forward.

Right now I'm in the middle of my annual winter organizing kick. Sometime after Christmas, I get this sudden urge to clean and organize. It takes different shapes and forms, but it always seems to kick in once the Christmas celebrating is done. Until recent years it always included buying a three-ring-binder! I now have enough 3-ring binders to fill a shelf on our bookshelf. But as my focus has been on cleaning, a friend reminded me of a bargain I'd failed on (thanks, Darla, and I don't mean that sarcastically!!!)

About a year ago I made a deal with my Mom. I blogged on it right here! And guess what! I failed. But I'm not giving up!!!! I've decided to put aside my cleaning and try to finish my VBS programs - they're very close to being done. I tend to do that a lot. I get something ALMOST finished and am so afraid of messing up at the end, or realizing later I wanted to do something different that I simply don't finish. What is it about a finished project that scares me so much? ANYWAY, I will be bringing up these programs, checking them over for errors and finishing them up! By mid February I will be taking them to their intended audience - small churches with no budget for a VBS program - and trying to sell them for $30 apiece. That's such a scary thing to announce!!! Now I can be held accountable to that by more than Darla! ;-)

I remain, as always, God's failure.


  1. Tina, you are not God's failure! God guides and directs us to help us learn. If we fail it's because of our own shortcomings, or our expectaions of what we could do were too high, or we didn't try hard enough, OR it was something God needed to do and we didn't let him. God never makes mistakes, humans do! But like you said, God forgives. We must pick ourselves back up, dust ourselves off and try again.

  2. Thanks for your sweet comments, Jen! And I fully agree. I DO remain "God's Failure". However, to understand that fully the way I mean it, you have to read my explanation here:

    It's simply my attempt to be brave enough to be willing to fail for God! In other words, brave enough to try things that I might fail at. :-)

    But I fully agree with your comment and I so much appreciate it!

